Wednesday, September 19, 2012

painting mood but not inspired... can that be possible?

I've been working on my painting and illustration stuff for my bussines, and im in this painting mood that i get kinda inspired  by some images and themes but i just dont know why i cant reach that state were im like ok lets paint right now! i have 3 canvas and i dont know if its because im like "no airisu save them for work" but i just cant paint anything, i think its kinda confusing XD.

Well first i wanted to paint some koi fish in a pond and i made the sketch but when i started drawing it in the canvas i was like naaa. then i was thinking about an illustration i saw last week of  this kinda anime japanese girl with a yukata and a fox mask but when i was gonna start making a sketch inspired in that illustration i said naa. and thats how its been today :/ .

I think im gonna scan the sumi-e painting i've been making the last days and maybe upload them later :P.

In to a nother subject, i was listening to this band "world en girlfriend" i discover the band some months ago but its like one of those things when you think somethings cool, but you dont put a lot of attention to it and you just dont know why, and one day you just whant .. i dont know XD, but that happend to me with this band today and im gonna get the album or albums im not shure how many albums they have.

Now im listening to a nother band "sleepmakeswaves" pretty awesome to :3.

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