Thursday, September 20, 2012

grav3yardgirl reblogged my drawing >w
So today i finally desided to make the drawing i was planing to do of  grav3yardgirl, for those who dont know who she is, she is a youtube vlogger that i have been watching for about 5 months and i just adore her, she is so funny and freaky and i just like to watch her videos.she talks about makeup and fashion in her very personal and original way, in some of her videos she talks about antiques, weird stuff, just a lot of cool stuff. so i uploaded the drawing of her in a tim burton style (she is a fan of his work to), and she said that she loved it and thanks and stuff... and reblogged it!, so a bunch of people are liking and reblogging my drawing, and its kinda exiting XD. its the second illustration i make that people like and that it has been reblogged by some one "famous" on the internet, the first one is the fan art that i made for my friends tumblr about the game "the last of us", the girl that makes the voice in the game for the character "ellie" reblogged my illustration, omg i was so exited. and i know this isnt a big deal, a lot of people do cool stuff and are tumblr famous or what ever, but it just makes me happy, i need this kinda thing once in awhile to cheer me up :3.

heres the link to the illustration

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