Saturday, September 22, 2012

trying to stay positive

I've always try to stay out of trouble and stuff that are not cool, i try not to get into fight with people that i know or that i dont, because its just not my thing, so i just dont .... but today i had to have this encounter with a guy from a groups in facebook, a local group were you can sell and buy stuff, and i post publicity of my bussines there... so this guy starts attacking me for no reason i try to like shut the guy up, but then he started attacking me in a personal level, saying that anime was bad for my mind and that we are not in japan,about my hair but in a very mean way (obviously an anime hater, or just a hater of diferent people). i was getting kinda nervious cuz like i say im just not good with this kinda thing, i was feeling kinda bad cuz im not use to this things were people say bad things about me. the guy stoped saying stuff and some friends comented things to the guy and well thats all. it took me like an hour to just feel ok again, at firts his words were getting in to me, but i just coulndt let that happend, i had to be strong and do something else to distract my mind from such nonsense.

Theres just to much haters in the web, and i know that everyone have the right to expres them selfs, but if you are gonna say something mean to some one that has done nothing wrong to you or anybody, why does this person has to do that. this really makes me think about some stuff, everything happends for a reason and you learn something about it, because i use to be such a hater and say things to people (not a lot but i did long ago) and i think today was my turn to be at the other side, to be me the one that got attacked by some one and it doesnt feel good, but well i didnt say things like this to people i didnt know on chat rooms. but what ever the best way to deal with this kind of people is just not paying attention to those people, because what they whant is that you get angry.

so if this blog has anything important or what ever if anybody ever reads it, dont feel bad about what this kind of people say, at the end i realised that this guy is just a jerk and knows nothing about me and my work, so screw him, i have better things to do and think about, and well i think thats how its best to deal with them just ignore them, thats all, and if they just wont stop, there has to be a away were ypu can stop it by telling the adm. of the group (in my case) or what ever you have to do that at the end that person just stops, because it can really make you feel bad to have some one with such a bad vibe around saying stupid things.

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